Thursday, December 20, 2012


Today is the 20th day of the 12th month in the year 2012 on Thursday...

Outside it is a perfectly calm and beautiful morning - not a cloud in the sky - at least from where I'm sitting there isn't! In fact, it looks like sunshine all day and I hope to make the most of it while I can...

The forecast for today is a high of 27 degrees celsius and 15 degrees celsius at the lowest - the weather looks like rain from Friday through to Monday Christmas Eve, all the more reason to make the most of such a gorgeous day today!!

I'm still at work at the moment, completing my night shift and right now it is 0615 in the morning and the sun is absolutely brilliant - shining its light throughout the region...

Today I will visit my daughter and grand-daughter - just over 5 weeks old today or one month and 9 days old...she's nearly 9lbs already! She was 7lbs 3oz at birth on the 11/11/12.

I need to tidy up at home has fallen by the wayside in the last few days due to my shiftwork and helping out my daughter and baby...xmas shopping? mainly online at this stage because we just haven't had much time to go shopping, although last Sunday we managed to do some grocery shopping...

I've been given a container of strawberries - unexpected but truly appreciated... anyway, I will try to update this blog later on today! Bye bye for now - the current time is 0642am...

The news today says the Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador is spewing lava... Samoa had been ravaged by Cyclone Evan last Thursday..

I bought a nappy bucket, pegs, flexi-tub and xmas wrap and a pack of 40 rolls of loo-paper at The Warehouse when I finished work this morning. Stopped at Paknsave for Just Juice (2x3litre bottles), cream, Dilmah tea bags and International Roast coffee for Pete. Went home, had strawberries, weetbix and cream for breakfast. Went to bed for a quick nap and got up again around 11.30am.  Me and my teenage son went to my daughter's place and spent the rest of the afternoon there with her and baby. The plunket lady came and checked and weighed baby - she was 4kg or 9lb 15oz and thriving. I hung up two loads of washing, it was still a gorgeous day and quite hot - my son took the labrador for a walk. We came back home around 6pm so I managed a couple of hrs nap before having to get ready for work at 9pm.

And now its the morning of the 21st December 2012....

Outside it is heavily overcast - lots of cloud and all that gorgeous blue sky hidden away, birds are still tweeting, still warm outside...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Joyful and triumphant...

o come ye o come ye to Bethlehem....

that song sings loudly in my mind along with other "Joy to the World" and "Hallelujah" etc

Anyway, this blog is about things that bring me joy and happiness -

  • being grateful to my friends and family for their kindnesses, for being there, for being available when I reach out...
  • being called upon for my advice, presence, opinions...
  • having time to myself to contemplate, reminisce, imagine, meditate, dream...
  • sharing my joy with others
  • sharing love and happiness
  • finding solutions and solving problems
  • being organized and knowing what to do when asked
  • listening to favourite music
  • shopping, browsing, observing...
  • people watching...
  • watching funny videos
  • watching 'feel-good' movies

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I am so excited...!! I have the perfect car that's economical, maintenance-free, registered and warranted, cosy and it's an absolute dream to drive....

Its a Honda Odyssey and it certainly earned its worth when we went away on holiday in June this year. It carried my adult son and daughter, myself, my teenage son, my grand daughter and two grandsons!  We had an awesome holiday away at Tauranga - visiting Rotorua and taking a dip at Mt Maunganui hot pools...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Gratitude Post...

Day ONE:
The things I am grateful about regarding MONEY...

- I am grateful that despite losing the accounts of two banks, my 'main' bank retained me as a customer and I am a foundation member of it!
- I am grateful that I have a savings account and I can put money into it every payday
- I am grateful that I have a full-time job which pays me a fair hourly rate!!
- I am grateful that there are times I can earn extra money at my job by covering someone else's shift or by attending a work-related course
- I am grateful that I have access to my ex-partner's bank account and he lets me use it for petrol or extra groceries
- I am grateful that I have an accommodation allowance which helps me pay my rent
- I am grateful that I was relieved of having to pay my exorbitant debts by being made bankrupt
- I am grateful that I am still able to pay off my current debts and I have established a good credit history with the two creditors I am currently with
- I am grateful for living in a country that grants me many opportunities for increasing my wealth
- I am grateful for having access to the internet and finding out the sites that help me increase my wealth
- I am grateful for the money I have been granted in the past that has assisted me now in my present moment
- I am grateful for my brother giving me a loan when I needed his help
- I am grateful for the love of my life - my partner who is the man who makes me happy by just being here
- I am grateful that money is available to me every time I have needed it

Saturday, November 20, 2010

EFT really works!!

Emotional Freedom Technique works!! Yes - I tried it and I was truly amazed at how easy it was to do as well as how quickly my pains disappeared!!!

So - what exactly is it? Just do a search on Google under EFT and you'll find oodles of instructions, tapping points, examples on when to use EFT and what you'd use it for. In fact, you use EFT for anything from headaches, shoulder pains, illness, depression, anger, altering moods to removing financial blocks, clearing misunderstandings, changing perspectives and so much more!

I would love to hear from anyone who has just tried it out for the first time after reading this post!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

My list of things that make me happy...

  • watching and listening to babies laughing
  • looking at fantastic images and scenery
  • sunsets, nature images, animals in their natural surroundings
  • panflute music, piccollo, ukelele and banjo
  • family get-togethers
  • delicious meals, smell of baking
  • aromatherapy oils, sweet incenses
  • sunshine and blue skies
  • being snug and warm in bed on a stormy day or night
  • being with my adult children
  • reading inspirational books, articles, blogs and stories
  • listening to the chatter of my grandchildren
  • seeing my garden flourishing